Sunday, October 15, 2006

SketchCrawl in Oslo

Yesterday, Saturday the 14th of October, the Norwegian creative forum I'm administrating called Det Store Dyret arranged our first SketchCrawl in Oslo.
We started up in the Vigelandspark just after noon and moved through town visiting a few cafés and bars on our way. We had a great time and lots of beer and I kept sketching for more than 12 hours.
I filled more than half a sketchbook. Here are a handful sketches. Hope you like them.


Anette Heiberg said...

Fine skisser Olve! Det hørtes ut som en morsom dag, synd jeg ikke bor nærmere Oslo når det er sånne ting på gang.


Alessandra Sorrentino said...

cool blog! i've seen the teaser for Limbo some days ago and it looks very very nice :)
and i agree with you, mrs wendling is absolutely fantastic.
take care,