Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Secret World v2

It's soon been six months since The Secret World was announced - which is the game I am working on.
I haven't got any new work I can show yet, but instead of linking to a slideshow as I did in the previous post, I thought I could post some of it directly here.
First a couple of concepts:

Here are a few matte paintings done for the first website. People in Europe got London on their screen. People in other parts of the world got New York or Shangai.
Here are two versions of London:

Monday, October 29, 2007

Gesture Drawings #1

A small selection of gesture drawings done this autumn.
They're all between one and three minutes long.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Illustrations: Puddingtryne rir igjen

In 2005 I illustrated a book called Puddingtrynet. It was written by Jon K. Bratten.
This year I illustrated the sequel called Puddingtrynet rir igjen and it is coming out in the Norwegian bookstores as I write.
Here are some of the illustrations I did, starting with the cover.

Three More Book Covers

Three more books with horror for kids in the series called Marg & Bein have just been published from Damm. And I did the cover illustrations as usual. Here they are.

Mannen fra graven (written by Jon Ewo):

Kannibalen (written by Ingunn Aamodt):

Den aller ondeste (written by Arne Svingen):

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Secret World

It's official!
And I can finally talk about it.
Today Funcom announced their next MMORPG after Conan.
It's called The Secret World and is the project I've been working on for a year now doing concept art. Some of them can be seen in this slideshow at VG.
And the press release can be read here - it also includes a link to the official site.
Enjoy. It's gonna be good!